What killed Nokia and Blackberry?

Nokia failed as mobile business, Blackberry is on its path to become officially a failed business. But, what failed them? Did not accepting Android failed them? I don't think so. That isn't the exact reason in my opinion. Because, Apple doesn't use Android and in many areas it is far more successful than Android. Then what failed these two companies that we can compare with mythological giant which everyone believed that can't be overpowered and still new companies beat them badly at their own business. Apps. Apps failed both of them. More specifically, the lack of apps. When Android began it wasn't as much polished or user friend as iOS. It grew just because it was free at first. After that, it became popular because it had most Apps in its market after iOS. Nokia and Blackberry's systems weren't terrible. Actually, they were best in their times. Even, Blackberry's OS was popular among the professional users for its high security fea...