Way to Make Windows Great Again is Hiding in Plain Sight

Nobody can beat Microsoft Office at productivity. It takes care of the littlest things and makes the user experience great. User just gets what he wants in the minimum time and with best support from the software side.

Microsoft needs to just do that with the whole Windows.

Let's consider Office's awesome things that is making them popular among users.

Why Office is best is because it takes care of the smallest interaction of the user with the software i.e. automatic spell-check, automatic capital first word, automatic bullets and a lot more that I personally don't know. But, I understand that Office tries to make things better at every level of interaction the user has with Office suite. That's also the case of most iProducts and Android software. They are tracking the littlest things and are trying to make them easier, better and deliver a good experience to an average user.

Now take a look at Windows. To my personal experience, for most average users it is still a basic system that only allows you to browse and navigate your files. For an average user, they aren't getting anything more from Windows. Maybe that's a reason most people aren't upgrading to newer versions. What they are getting from Windows 10, they can also get it from Windows XP. Also, even smartphones are able to allow you browse and navigation facility for any drive nowadays. Where is the extra productivity that Windows should deliver to its users in the smallest interactions that will make the whole experience a bliss? So, can we say that for an average user Windows is just a blown up navigation software for PCs and laptops?

For example, here are some features I expect them to be there in Windows (and all MS products) in 2016:

1. Quickly make a list of file names by exporting them into Notepad with simple right click and "Make a List" button
2. Quick and actionable information of every file, folder and whole system
3. There is no auto-save in anything Windows produces
4. It would be great if I could share a Word file by dragging it from its Title Bar, instead of first save it, find its location on the desktop and then, drag and drop to Skype.

Tell me what you want in Windows and I will list them all in here.

I am not sure if there are already options available in the system for the two examples above. To my best knowledge there aren't any. But as an average user, I have never found them. That's what Microsoft need to achieve. In MS Office, I am never baffled or confused as everything is presented to me very nicely or is taken care of automatically. In Windows, I still feel like I can work with Windows XP easily for my daily interactions.

I know that Windows 10 has brought some never-before features, but I think it still hasn't looked into 'taking care of small things' enough.

I am sure, you also encounter such little hiccups here and there in Windows where the little things aren't taken care of like Office suite. Please tell me if you have found any in the comment section.

All I am saying is, leverage the simplicity and productivity of Office Suite on Windows platform, figure out the daily interaction of an average user and make them as easy as possible and that would be a good start for improvement!

Update (12:38): article updated for easier readability

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  1. Were you high when you wrote this?

    1. Anarchy! If you couldn't understand what the paragraph up top & the things he was referencing as far as Windows, and what features he hoped they could see about adding!!! Than I'm going to just give you the benefit of the doubt and say, I hope you we're high �� when you read it!and not otherwise! LOL!!!

    2. Anarchy! If you couldn't understand what the paragraph up top & the things he was referencing as far as Windows, and what features he hoped they could see about adding!!! Than I'm going to just give you the benefit of the doubt and say, I hope you we're high �� when you read it!and not otherwise! LOL!!!

  2. Microsoft is a great software house it is most popular All over the world thousand of the software make Microsoft are make in this time Microsoft excel 2007 is most popular this software is use in professional and business level


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