Why the Success of Pixel Phones is Good for Everyone?

1. Software
2. Hardware
3. Marketing

This is the combination for Apple's success. None of the other companies have it. Samsung has Hardware. Google has software.

Apple can make its product with maximum efficiency with the combination of software and hardware and here is a very good article on that.

Out of minimum resources, Apple makes best use of things. That cuts down the costs, simplifies process and gives a great control over things that can't be imagined in Samsung or Google's scenario.

That's why, Google keeps releasing its own phones under various brands like Nexus, Android One and now Pixel. Samsung too isn't letting go of its own Tizen OS. Why? Because that's the best way to produce a gadget - total control over software and hardware.

Now, either Google will have to produce its own hardware at the risk of pissing Android device manufacturers or Samsung will have to make its Tizen OS strong. Success of any one of them will finally make a good opponent for Apple.

At the time, Google seems to have an upper hand. It has an established Android brand and more importantly, Play Store with millions of Apps. Samsung probably could establish a brand name by heavy marketing, but replicating Play Store or spread of Android software is near impossible feat. Also, any company would be willing to manufacture hardware for Google.

Thus, Samsung will always have to rely on Android and subsequently, Google.

We can say that Google has more potential to become a potent rival to Apple. In that case, the real competition will begin as Google will have more control over hardware and it will start challenging Apple on the efficiency fronts where it wasn't able to before.

Also, I am not saying Apple's better that Google or vice versa. All I am pointing is the popularity and sales figures of the devices. Apple's ahead in every thing and that's telling something. Personally, your favorite brand/phone/platform could be anything.

About Android, it has got a lot better and is almost rivaling or outperforming iOS in many areas, but lack of Hardware control is holding Google back. And that will be solved with an excellent hardware from Google. Google Pixel phones will be a good start.

From there, the intense competition will only benefit the average consumer in terms of price, quality user experience and many more.

Here is the official site of Google Pixel.


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